Alliance PacNW Regional Ally Rally

Welcome FamAlly
Paradigm, Valor, Avenue, Delta, & Benchmark
Alliance PacNW Regional Ally Rally is an annual event for all Alliance owners to meet, share, and grow in their experiences as RV owners. By Alliance owners for Alliance owners. Join us and see what the buzz is all about.

Rally registration lottery will be open:
January 6th through 18th, 2025

2025 PacNW Rally(only)
Rally Registration $239.00:
Includes: two adults, two rally t-shirts, two catered dinners per registered adult, four days of rally events and activities.
Registration fee is due at time of registration.
NOTE: Cost does not include the RV site and the pre-rally Sunset Cruise.
Blackwell Island RV Resort
Resort Fee: $268.00
($67.00/night + $21.44 state tax)
Includes: 4 nights FHU site & amenities of the resort.
NOTE: Resort fees are billed and collected directly by Blackwell Island RV Resort. The resort administrator will reach out to each confirmed PacNW Alliance Regional Rally goer approximately 45 days prior to arrival, confirm arrival and departure dates, and secure payment. Payment for additional nights will also be paid at this time. (Early arrivals: $67 night rate will be available beginning Sept. 8th ,2025).
Private Ally Sunset Cruise
Sept. 8th, 2025
Pre-Rally Private Sunset Cruise:
$50 per person
Includes: Hors d’oeuvres social hour prior to your cruise departure. Followed by a Private 2-hour Sunset Cruise on beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene with fellow Allys, departing directly from the shores of Blackwell Island Campground.
While on board, enjoy the breathtaking views, heated inside or outside seating, restrooms, and a no-host bar for those looking for a little night cap.
Step 1 – Rally Request Form Submissions accepted: Jan. 6th, 2025 – Jan. 18th, 2025, Rally Request forms will be accepted for all interested rally attendees. Please include all events you plan to attend and the dates for your stay at Blackwell Island RV Resort.
Step 2 – Lottery Selectees Identified: Jan. 21st, 2025. Confirmation emails will go out inviting selectees to register and pay for the Rally.
Step 3 - Invited recipients confirm your interest in attending: You will have 6 days to secure your spot by responding to the link provided in the invitation email and paying the Rally attendance fee. NOTE: If we do NOT receive your payment within 6 days of the confirmation email being sent, your site will be released and issued to others on the Rally Request list.
Step 4 – Those not selected in the lottery will be notified on January 21st, 2025 and be given information about their place in the Reservation Request list. At that time, we will not have any information about the likelihood of your ability to move off that list and be offered a ticket for the rally.
Step 5 – Get ready for some Alliance PacNW REGIONAL ALLY RALLY FUN!